Portugal Launches Task Force to Resolve Pending Immigration Applications

25 September, 2024

News article by Raquel Dias, Lawyer - International Atlantic Services

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 87/2024, dated July 10th, established the creation of a "Task Force for the Resolution of Pending Applications at AIMA" (Agência para a Integração, Migrações e Asilo - Agency for Integration, Migration, and Asylum). The primary objective of this task force is to address the backlog of 410,000 pending immigration regularization applications at AIMA, also including the golden visa applications.

The task force has been given a deadline of June 2025, to resolve all outstanding applications. It will be composed of two distinct teams, each with specific responsibilities:

  1. The first team will be responsible for digitally analyzing and processing pending applications.
  2. The second team will focus on in-person services and the collection of biometric data from immigrants awaiting regularization.

This initiative is part of a broader effort by the Portuguese Government to enhance AIMA's operational capacity and resolve the immigration status of thousands of individuals by the June 2025 deadline.

To achieve this objective, the task force has been granted the authority to recruit up to 300 personnel, divided as follows: 100 specialists, 150 technical assistants, and 50 operational assistants.

Moreover, 30 new AIMA service centers have been established across the country, with the aim of ensuring that AIMA’s services are accessible nationwide.

The President of AIMA, Luís Goes Pinheiro, assured that "by the summer of 2025, all applications will be processed within the established timeframe.

Overall, the Task Force for Pending Applications at AIMA reflects the Portuguese government's commitment to resolving the immigration backlog. With 300 new personnel, 30 service centers, and a deadline of June 2025, this initiative aims to streamline the process and ensure timely regularization for all pending applications.


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